Feeling Overwhelmed? An Anxiety Therapist in Chicago Shares Step-by-Step Tips for 2025
It's the first full week of 2025, and like many of you reading this, you might be feeling anywhere from disorganized and unmotivated to energized and determined to make this your best year yet. Wherever you fall on this spectrum, know that you’re not alone. Starting fresh can be exciting but also overwhelming.
As an anxiety therapist in Chicago, I understand how challenging it can be to balance your goals while managing stress and uncertainty. If you’re ready to take that next step toward becoming the best version of yourself, I’d love to support you on this journey. Let’s chat—click below to schedule a free 15-minute consultation and see if therapy could be the right fit for you.
Without further ado, here are my step-by-step recommendations for planning your new year with intention.
Goal-Setting Tips from an Anxiety Therapist in Chicago
Step #1:
Get a blank piece of paper and draw a line down the middle creating two columns and label: “work” and “personal”.
Step #2:
Write down all of the tasks that you have to do, want to do, and/or need to do for both.
Remember to include fun, creative activities that you would like to do in the year! I want to learn how to play piano and scheduling in trips domestic and abroad.
Step #3:
Now on another blank piece of paper, pick ONE task from each column and expand. There is the main task and then the sub-tasks that go along with it.
How much time REALISTICALLY do you need? (Note: if you often are underestimating the time it takes to complete a task, double the time.)
For instance, to write a blog post, I need at least 2 hours to draft, edit, and then publish/post on social media.
Step #4:
After those TWO tasks are expanded, put that task on your calendar, whether it’s on paper/planner or a Google/online calendar.
We may frequently feel burnt out, so be sure to incorporate natural breaks while doing the things on your list.
Using the blog post writing example from earlier, I schedule it for Tuesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. and utilize the Pomodoro effect to help me divide the work into manageable chunks, give me a breather, and allow me to concentrate only on what is necessary.
Step #5:
Finally, at the end of the week, reflect on what you learned about yourself and your workflow, whether that’s in your work or personal life, and what would you like to do differently next time. (Image will be uploaded later on this week on Friday, 1/10/25 once I’m done!)
As an anxiety therapist in Chicago, I understand how overwhelming it can be when you have so many tasks on your plate. When I feel this way, I use a simple exercise to break down what’s taking up the most mental space and figure out how to tackle it. If you're feeling overwhelmed too and need support, feel free to reach out and schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation to get started on taking care of YOU!